06 Agustus 2008

Hardware Had Problems in Linux

The reader, we were repeatedly asked for by the question. Hardware what must be avoided before installing GNU/Linux? The list hardware that must be avoided in fact the number far more a little of that was expected. However, this article tried to name several hardware the public who often had problems in GNU/Linux.

Broadcom Wireless. Although being wrought on by kind developers, found the connection wireless with chipset this evidently not was easy, although technical information often was widespread in the Internet. The service wireless could go good in GNU/Linux. We suggested, before burying GNU/Linux better you checked HCL (hardware compatibility list) each distro.

ATI Video Card: Although having several improvements in recent times, we did not find one reason then to use this product in desktop Linux. If you did not know many about ATI card, better you used NVIDIA or Intelligence graphics card.

Seagate: The company hard drive this frankly ogah supported GNU/Linux.

Winmodem: We did not say software the modem did not work in GNU/Linux, but we suggested the user GNU/Linux did not use winmodem. Although the fantastic work like the Linmodem project, we more liked to use the other option especially when you had the connection dial-up.

We suggested you were careful and more proaktif whenever conjuring up the computer built-for-Windows became the computer of GNU/Linux. Firstly, used LiveCD to confirm distro and the computer that will be used went smooth. Checked whether the resolution support and sound card ran smoothly. We did not say the problem of the resolution graphics card and sound card could not be broken. Considered also to buy the computer from vendor that supporting distro that you with.

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

nice post